Are You an Empath?
Several years ago, I visited a friend whose father was visiting her. When I went to greet her dad, who was sitting on the couch, my...
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Pivot Point Radio Interview
I was interviewed on Mendocino County Public Radio on July 22, 2020 by my dear friend, Christy Wagner. Christy and I were roommates...
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Centering during Difficult Times
For this month's blog, I offer you words from my June newsletter. Dear Friends, Early on in my days as a student of Healing Touch, my...
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A Message from the Guides During This Pandemic
Photo by Anton Atanasov It has been quite a ride this past month with the arrival of the pandemic. I spent some time talking with my...
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Calming the Mind with "The Reset"
We all need moments of reprieve from our minds throughout the day. In fact, I really like being "out of my mind" and prefer to be more in...
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The Heart Chakra: A Bridge to Grace
February reminds us of our connection to our heart with the arrival of Valentine's Day. The heart chakra encompasses the realm of...
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Intuition 101: What's Your Strongest Sense?
Have you ever walked into a room after people have had an argument and felt the tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife?...
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"NOW Is Our Time Together"
Once, when I was sitting in meditation, a beautiful golden orb of light gradually traveled closer to me. The light felt gentle yet bright...
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How Grounding Can Help You
Sarah, as I will call her, came to see me because she could only sleep 4-5 hours a night, and felt anxious all the time. She had dark...
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Soothed by Essential Oils
About three years ago, my husband called me from work. "Honey, I'm not coming home tonight. I checked myself in at the hospital." I...
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