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Energy healing is a holistic therapy in which a practitioner consciously uses her hands to clear, balance, and charge the human energy field. The human energy field includes the aura and the body’s major energy centers, the chakras. Illness is caused by imbalance, which shows up in the field. The healer works directly with the aura and chakras to remove disruptions in the field, thereby promoting energetic flow. This energetic flow is the basis of the body’s natural ability to heal itself.


Energy healing not only resolves physical illness, but it also touches a person on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level. Many people feel supported and nurtured by a healing. They often develop insight into specific areas of their lives, or have what they consider a spiritual experience. Because everything is made of energy, and the healer works directly with this energetic level of life, profound changes occur.


Energy healing accelerates the healing process of many illnesses. It is good preventive medicine because illness shows up first in the field before it travels to the body. Energy healing is particularly helpful for the following: 


  • Stress and anxiety

  • Depression

  • Strengthening the immune system

  • Before and after surgery

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Back and neck problems

  • Wounds and fractures

  • Arthritis

  • Grief

  • Spiritual attunement 




What happens during a healing?

Recipients lie fully dressed on a massage table. Through the laying-on-of-hands and techniques on the subtle fields around the body, the healer clears blockages and fine-tunes the aura. A person leaves usually feeling deeply relaxed and energized. Treatments are gentle, non-invasive, and last about 90 minutes. 


What is an aura?

The aura is the energy field that surrounds your body. If you could see the aura, it would look like a luminous and colorful emanation of light encasing your body like an eggshell. It can extend from a few inches to several feet away from your body. Illness appears in the aura as disruption. These disruptions come in different forms: dense blocks, spikes, heat or cold, leaks, ridges, frayed lines, etc. Disruption in the aura is related to current illness, trauma, or emotional/mental/spiritual experiences that remain unprocessed. Often, drugs such as chemotherapy remain in the field for a long time. Energy healing clears out these residual drugs (which often have auric weight and a smell) and allows the body to flow more easily towards health. Surgery, in particular, cuts and damages certain layers of the field and the energetic “templates” of the organs. Repairing this energetic damage speeds a person’s recovery significantly.

What is a chakra?

“Chakra” means wheel in Sanskrit. It is a spinning vortex of energy that nourishes your body. There are seven major chakras, each with its own psychological function and color. When a chakra is closed or damaged, we do not receive the energy needed for the physical part of the body it affects, and its psychological function is compromised. For example, the second chakra is associated with emotions and sexuality. A closed second chakra could result in difficulties conceiving a child or expressing one’s sexuality. Listed below are the psychological functions and colors of the seven major chakras:


  • Root (red) – survival, will to live

  • Sacral (orange) – emotions, sexuality

  • Solar Plexus (yellow) – personal power

  • Heart (green) – love, compassion

  • Throat (sky blue) – communication, creativity

  • Third Eye (violet) – intuition, imagination

  • Crown (white) – knowledge, spirituality


When all of our chakras are open, we feel vibrant and alive. The energy flow throughout the body is palpable. When a chakra is closed or leaking energy, the part of the body that it nourishes eventually becomes ill, and we do not develop the potential of its psychological function. Chakra problems can include tearing, little to no spin, leaks, and vortices separated from the chakra’s root. Repairing a chakra is like repairing a broken engine of a car: the healthy 

chakra churns the power for your energetic system so it runs well.


How Does Energy Healing Fit with Other Modalities?

Energy healing complements traditional allopathic care. It is extremely supportive during 

treatment by medical doctors, mental health therapists, chiropractors, and other health 




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